Advanced Fabric Technologies Developing Auxetic

Houston, United States - Apr 7, 2010 - HOUSTON, April 7, 2010 - Advanced Fabric Technologies, Inc. (AFT) has acquired exclusive rights to develop and market auxetic materials technologies for military and public safety blast containment, ballistic protection and other applications in the Americas.

AFT acquired from Auxetix Ltd. of Tiverton, UK, the exclusive manufacturing and marketing rights to materials covered by that company's international patents on the use of auxetic technology to automatically adjust the strength, thickness and other properties of a material in response to blast waves, projectiles, shrapnel and other stimuli. Auxetix developed and tested its first-generation blast- and ballistic protection material -- Zetix(tm) -- in association with Exeter University.

"We believe Zetix in its current and future formulations is a game-changer for security-oriented uses like blast curtains, blast mitigation and protection, anti-ballistic vests and soft body armor, and for a wide range of sensing and filtering applications," said AFT CEO David O'Keefe. "We are collaborating with the world's preeminent producers of engineered composite fabrics in manufacturing Zetix, and with the leading developers and marketers in a number of segments to bring products to market with significant performance and competitive advantages."

Information about Zetix capabilities, availability, testing, and sub-licensing is available at, or by email at


Company Center: Advanced Fabric Technologies