NCLR BV Company Center

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Postbus 2662 7500 CR ENSCHEDE
Visit: Drienerlolaan 5; 7522 NB ENSCHEDE
+31 (053) 489 11 10

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Nederlands Centrum voor Laser Research (NCLR) B.V. was founded in 1989 as a joint venture of university and industry to research and develop advanced high power laser systems and their applications, backed through the expertise of the University of Twente. NCLR has taken the excimer laser technology and developed the SIRIUS 1000, a 1 kW excimer laser. The short wavelength, high average power and high repetition rate makes this laser very useful for industrial scale material processing. Another advantage of the SIRIUS 1000 is the (relative) long pulse duration of around 200 ns which results in a very good laser beam quality.


Last update by H. van Heel