Weatherhaven Company Center

Contact details

5700 Marine Way
Burnaby, British Columbia
Canada V5J 5C8
(604) 451-8900

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With shelters and camp systems on all seven continents for Military and Commercial clients alike, Weatherhaven has gone to the ends of the earth to provide for clients in need of shelters and camps. Since its creation 22 years ago, the company has been designing, manufacturing and installing durable, air-transportable fabric structures for highly mobile field operations throughout the world. Weatherhaven shelters’ rugged construction have been put to the test withstanding the searing heat and blowing sands of arid deserts, the sub-zero temperatures of the frozen tundra and the torrential rains and constant high humidity of the tropics. Through its extensive experience on projects with complex logistical demands, technical ingenuity and climate extremes, Weatherhaven has established itself as a world leader in the design, mobilization and installation of field accommodation anywhere, anytime.


Last update by Glen V. Thorne