Octagon explosives & security Ltd is a privately owned company specializing in explosives detection systems (EDS).
Our main activity and expertise in Octagon explosives & security is testing explosives detection systems with live explosives. As we take on the roll of the aggressor in EDS testing we create improvised explosive devises (IED) that match the particular threat explosives detection systems may be faced with today. Our IEDs test and challenge explosives detection technologies and through these tests and challenges our clients reach the detection and operational requirements of regulators and private clients.
Our expertise range from trace detection, X ray and CT imaging to millimeter waves and soft X ray portals.
Octagon explosives & security is an up-to-date provider of training for security personnel and operators of EDSs with wide and unique approach to explosives detection in all scenarios and locations. We provide our clients with the best quality instructors and knowledge in homeland security explosives detection in the market.
Products & Services
Last update by adi kadan, Sun 26 Sep 2010