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We have found 142 results in Austria ,

A. Haberkorn & Co. GmbH (Austria)

Production of technical textiles, such as hoses, belts, ropes, sewing.
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AB Mikroelektronik GmbH (Austria)

AB Mikroelektronik specializes in developing and manufacturing custom specific electronic modules on ceramic substrates. Products include: custom thick film circuits, custom thick film resistor networks SIL, custom hybrid circuits, multi chip modules
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ABB AG (Austria)

ABB is an industrial, energy and automation company specializing in the following areas:
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Aichelin GmbH (Austria)

Manufacturer of plants and systems for thermic and thermochemical optimizations of metallic construction parts. Processes include: hardening, tempering, carburizing, carbonitriding, short term/long term nitriding, annealing, heating, and many other
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AICO EDV - Beratung GmbH (Austria)

AICO offers research and development in the information technology. AICO as a member of computer science and applied mathematics oriented company's, Software architecture lean and safety architecture in standardized environment. EU Project support.
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AIK Electronics Austria GmbH (Austria)

AIK Electronics specializes in the production of Printed Circuit Boards, Electronic Modules and Print Assembly.
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Air Ambulance Technology GesmbH (Austria)

The company specializes in the design and manufacture of Quick conversion rescue- and ambulance equipment for helicopters and fixed wing aircraft.
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Alcatel Austria AG (Austria)

Alcatel Austria offers services and solutions in the areas of: telecommunication, internet and transport automation systems.
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ALSTOM Austria AG (Austria)

ALSTOM is mainly active in the areas of energy and transport. It consists of:
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Aluminium Ranshofen Walzwerk GmbH (AMAG) (Austria)

The company is a manufacturer of aluminium rolled products, including Treadplate sheet and plate, hard alloys (TITANAL), cathode sheet, anodising, nameplate and brightening qualities. Ranshofen Walzwerk is an export oriented company.
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Amag Rolling Gmbh (Austria)

Subcontracting, mechanical items and metal working
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AMES - Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Services Ing. Walter Starzacher GesmbH (Austria)

* EASA Part 21 approved Design Organisation * EN/AS9100 approved Engineering Supplier * Aircraft and Helicopter Programs * EASA Certification and STC´s for Mechanical Systems, Structures and Cabin Interiors * Weight Reduction Programs *
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AMST Systemtechnik Ges.m.b.H. (Austria)

AMST has developes a specialist range of products capable of simulating the experience of high altitudes, spatial disorientation and "G"-forces.
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AMT Aircraft Manufacturing Technology GmbH (Austria)

AMT Aircraft Manufacturing Technology, located in Austria, developes and produces the Versatile aircraft range, destined for military, paramiltary and humanitarian purposes.
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Apenzeller Gmbh (Austria)

Apenzeller Gmbh is a consulting firm mainly active in the following areas:
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Arc Seibersdorf Research Gmbh (Austria)

Composite materials and surface treatment. Subcontracting, mechanical items and metal working.
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Arges Armaturen GmbH (Austria)

Manufacturer and supplier of high explosive, training and pyrotechnic hand grenades. Product lines include: small / medium / big fragmentation hand grenade, practice hand grenades, family of 40mm LV grenades (fragmentation grenade, training grenade
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ASCOM Austria GmbH (Austria)

ASCOM-the mission-critical communication company covers specific communication requirements and the asscociated communication solutions which optimally address time-critical needs and operate speedily,reliably and seamlessly even under extreme strain
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Association of the Austrian Electrical and Electronics Industries (Austria)

The Association of the Austrian Electrical and Electronics Industries "FEEI" represents the interests of all Austrian companies which manufacture electrical and electronics products on an industrial basis, offer system solutions or supply services.
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